Types of phone numbers on Laplead.
Phones Numbers On Laplead
Every business listed on Laplead has a phone number available. The business phone number is the number customers would call. Often times you won't speak to the owner but will speak to the gatekeeper who would know who you should talk to about what you have to offer.
Since the businesses on Laplead on smaller, most the time the gatekeeper could put the owner on the line right then and there for you to pitch a meeting to. If not they can 100% get you closer to talking with the decision maker if they deem you worthey. The more skills you have the more worthey you can be perceived. When talking to owners you will have a higher success rate pitching meetings rather than trying to collect money right then and there.
In some niches such as construction it is more common for the decision maker to pick up the phone, but with all the numbers on Laplead you can leverage them to get access to the decision maker.
Emails on Laplead
Most the emails laplead provides are general emails that customers reach, but are read by the owner or receptionist. If there is no response, it is best to send 5 emails spread out a few days and the goal is to get a response with who you should be reaching out to or getting a response that shows interest in your service.
With emails it is important to split test because depending the niche will determine the best way to go about the email. Read our article on cold email basics to learn more about running successful cold email campaigns.
Social Media Accounts
If available Laplead provides social media accounts. Depending on the niche you can leverage social media to get in contact with the owners to book a meeting.